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Terms & Conditions (T&C) for an Incident of an Allergy Reaction

It is understood that sometimes certain products do not agree with your skin type, therefore, you are kindly requested to carefully look into the nature of the skin and

communicate with our agent accordingly. Also watchfully follow up the given product instructions on the package prior to using any of the cosmetic product(s), especially if it’s a first-time use

All reactions must be reported within the first 48 hours of use and PURE BEAUTY ITALY will arrange a refund or replacement with a suitable product with the individual product that caused the Allergic Reaction.

Also please note that all instructions, ingredients, opinions, and suggestions regarding products on our site have been provided by the manufacturers or distributors. If you have any concerns regarding the safety of certain ingredients, please contact your doctor or you can contact us for further information.

Delivery Charges will not be borne from PURE BEAUTY ITALY for returns.

The Customer should inform about the complaint to our hotline or relevant merchant & after that the merchant should inform it to customer care department and the customer complaint department will handle the complaint.

If there are no sufficient stocks for the replacement, we will arrange a fund transfer after an agreement with the customer.

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